DAB-tilhengerne har fått et slag i trynet av en markedsførings-domstol
i Engøand. I en oppsiktsvekkende sak slår Advertising Standards Authority
i Storbritannia (ASA), fast at DAB hverken er bedre enn FM, eller
gir krystallklar lyd, slik annonsører har hevdet. Slike påstander vil være villedende og dermed i strid
med markedsføringsloven, slår ASA fast. ASA vil i praksis tilsvare markedsrådet i Norge.
Det var kommet inn klager fra to lyttere på en annonse fra Switch Digital, der
hensikten var å promotere DAB-radioer. Den ene klagen gikk på at annonsen lovte at
en DAB-radio skulle gi krystall-klar lyd "Distortion-free" og "Crystal-clear sound".
Dette er en uriktig påstand, mener ASA: "....However, we understood that, particularly
in areas where the digital signal was poor, distortion could occur with DAB digital radio.
While hiss and crackle were removed, there were other factors that could impact on the clarity of
the sound, such as the distance between the transmitter and the receiver....
.....could lead to the sort of “bubbly” or “gurgling” problem highlighted by the complainant.
We therefore considered that not all DAB digital radio listeners would receive “distortion free”
and “crystal clear” sound and concluded that the claims were misleading."
Den andre klagen gikk på påstanden om at DAB-radio skulle være bedre "superior" til
vanlig analog radio. Her var ASA mye kjappere og mer bestemt i sitt vedtak. "We received no
evidence to show that DAB digital radio was superior to analogue radio in terms of audio quality.
We therefore concluded that the ad was misleading.", skriver ASA i sitt vedtak. For ordens skyld:
"The ad was in breach of CAP (Broadcast) Radio Advertising Standards Code section 2, rule 3