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ENGLAND: Channel 4 starter nettradio
Den britiske TV-stasjonen Channel 4 kaster seg inn i radiomarkedet, og satser på nettradio.
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Channel 4 har vært kjent som en innovativ TV-kanal, og satser nå
på spre sitt varemerke også til radio. Planen er å sikre seg flere digitale lisenser og lansere en
rekke "channel 4"-kanaler også på radio. Men, i mangel av digital lisens satser Channel 4 på nettradio.
Denne uka starter Channel 4 sin nye nettradio: channel4radio.com, der man blant annet
kan få med seg nyheter, siste nytt fra Big Brother, diverse musikk, business og reportasjer.
Innslagene er lagt ut for nedlasting til medlemmer på websiden. Channel 4 satser ambisiøst og lover nyskapende og revolusjonerende
Dette er hva Channel 4 selv sier på sine websider: "At Channel 4 our mission is to ‘do it first; inspire change; make trouble’. We are independent, highly innovative and individual. And we never shy away from taking a risk to break new ground. This commitment to innovation has created truly distinctive TV.
We intend to do the same in radio. We are going to create the next generation of radio and there’s never being a better time to do it. That’s why we’ve launched 4Radio.
We are going to create new ways of connecting people through listening: Our programmes will initially be accessible as downloads or streamed from the web.
On 5th June we launched a wide range of exclusive on-demand radio programmes including the daily C4 News Morning Report, the Official Big Brother Podcast, Miquita Oliver’s Twisted Tens, UK Lost and the Kipper Country Code . This is just the beginning of a roll out of on-demand radio programmes and services that will complement our upcoming national digital radio (DAB) multiplex bid. We will offer new programmes to audiences who don’t currently feel that radio gives them what they want.
We’re going to introduce you to a new generation of radio shows and presenters. We’ll feature some talent you know, and some you don’t. More than anything we will offer something different, something challenging, something new.
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