In 2017, national radio channels in Norway shut down their FM networks and became digital only,
but local radio outside the big cities were allowed to continue broadcasting on FM, temporarily until 2021. There is now a debate whether to extend these licences or not.
On the Local Radio Conference this weekend ( Lokalradiokonferansen ), arranged by the Norwegian Local Radio Association, all the major parties were present in a political debate
about the future of local radio. All of the politicians were clearly positive regarding an extension of the local radio licences.
There was however a debate about the length of the extension. One Alternative is a ten year extension, but some of the politicians thinks that is too long and could be legally complicated.
The local radios themselves is hoping for a ten year extension.
However, the extension only applies to local radio outside of the four biggest cities: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger. The Parliament has decided that commercial radio on FM is not allowed in
these cities because they might steal listeners from the national DAB channels. But niche radio is still allowed with limitations on ads sale and distribution.
The Norwegian Media Authority has now fined three of these small stations a total of 1 million kroner ( more than 100 000 euros ) beacuse they have made too much money ( they can only earn 135 000 kroner pr. year ).
Two of the three channels also syndicate their product, says the Media Authority pointing to their presence on DAB in addition to FM. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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