Listening is Norway is at its lowest ever, according to the Norwegian Media barometer, Norsk Mediebarometer, made by Statistics Norway ( Statistisk Sentralbyrå ).
In 2018 only 50 % of the population turned on the radio every day, which is down from 54 % in 2017. Radio in this context is listening to live radio on DAB, FM or online.
In 1991 71 % of all Norwegians listened to the radio every day. Since then the numbers have dropping steadily, but there was a further drop in listening after the FM shutdown of national radio
channels in 2017.
44 % listened daily to DAB or DAB+ in 2018, while 10 % listened to online radio. Local radio in Norway still broadcasts mostly on FM, but there are no specific numbers for FM listening in the Norwegian Media Barometer.
Interestingly radio is smaller than other audio. 54 % of Norwegians listened to some other kind of audio every day in 2018. This includes streaming, podcasts and other on demand audio.
According to Statistics Norway it its the women and the children that are turning away from traditional radio, while listening among men are at almost the same level in 2018, compared to 2017.
The Norwegian Media Barometer is an independent study devoloped by the public bureau Statistics Norway. It is published only once a year and includes all kinds of media use, radio is just a small part of the study.
These numbers are not to be confused with the official listenings figures, PPM, made by Nielsen on behalf of the radio industry. The two studies are conducted very differently and therefore may show very different numbers.
More stories from the Norwegian Radio Industry here: In English
Statistics Norway in English on: SSB.NO External link samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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