Til tross for at det i år er plass til langt flere enn i fjor, er Radiodays Europe 2013 snart utsolgt. To uker før
konferansen starter er det allerede over 1000 påmeldte, opplyser Radiodays Europe. Det er fortsatt noen billetter igjen, men salget vil bli stengt i løpet av få dager.
Anders Held, Project Managers of Radiodays Europe sier i en pressemelding: - We are excited about the fabulous interest from the radio
community in coming to Radiodays Europe to share ideas and experiences. This fits with our theme ‘Sharing Radio’s Future, sier han.
Held sier videre: - We strongly believe that radio has a future in this multimedia world and that Radiodays Europe can act as a focus for the
radio industry and a platform from which radio shows how important it remains. The numbers talk for themselves, there is a strong and growing
interest in taking part in the re-shaping of radio.
This year there will be participants from 50 countries including, for the first time,
participants from Brazil, Korea and India and growing numbers from other countries, which shows that this is a leading worldwide event”.
Det blir i alt 50 sesjoner over to fulle dager 18. og 19. mars, i tillegg til workshops på søndag 17. mars. Radionytt.no er offisiell media partner for Radiodays Europe 2013 og
vil følge både det som skjer før og under konferansen, på web og sosiale medier.
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