21st Venture, som blant annet driver lokalradiokjeden Radio Metro, tester i disse dager ut DRM+ i Trondheim.
Denne digitalradioteknologien skal være spesiellt godt egnet for lokalradio og vil bli testet i full skala i Trønderhovedstaden ut neste måned, med støtte fra myndighetene.
Tid og sted er ikke helt tilfeldig valgt, ettersom Norsk lokalradioforbund har landskonferanse i Trondheim førstkommende helg, 24 til 26 mai.
Der vil deltagere fra en rekke norske lokalradioer få mulighet til å teste ut og få mer informasjon om DRM+, går det fram av en pressemelding fra DRM.
- Participants at the conference will receive information on the DRM standard and will be able to experience the superior
quality of DRM+ at the DRM booth. Key members of the DRM Consortium from Fraunhofer IIS, Digidia, RFmondial and Nautel have offered
their knowledge, expertise and support, står det i den internasjonale pressemeldingen fra Digital Radio Mondiale
- Following the recent successful trials in New Delhi, Edinburgh, the Vatican City State and Brazil, the DRM Consortium are pleased to endorse the
first DRM+ trial involving a commercial radio network and testing out several receiver solutions.
DRM Consortium Chair, Ruxandra Obreja, said: “In Trondheim we hope to demonstrate that there is a cheap and effective solution
for digitising small radio stations (commercial and community) which can run on their own or compliment other standards”.
Eivind Engberg, Technical Manager of Radio Metro is enthusiastic about the project: “One of the key benefits of DRM+ is
that you are using existing infrastructure and thus get digital radio almost free of charge. DRM+ also uses so little capacity that you can feed the transmission site via ICE (Net1), 3G or ADSL”.
The DRM+ trial will broadcast 50W DRM+ on 94.0 MHz in Trondheim during late May and June 2013.
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