NRK P1+ er kanalen som har fått eldre lyttere til å gå mann av huse for å kjøpe DAB-radio. Kanalen
er spesialdesignet for de over 55 år og det skal gjenspeiles også i jinglene.
NRK ga oppdraget til Hans Everling i SOB AUDIO IMAGING, som forteller at jobben var vanskeligere enn det høres ut som:
- In an early stage, it was decided that the jingles wouldn’t contain sung vocals. We received an extensive brief and
listened to a lot of music that would have an important role in the station’s playlist. And then… well… then the hard
work starts. In spite of some romantic ideas some people have about it, that’s what it is: hard work, methodically
and precise. Teaming up with the best people in their field (composers, arrangers, musicians) because we will
be the most-played artists on the station, so it’d better sound good!
Jinglene har en klar nostalgi-profil: the first aim was to compose a memorable theme that would be used throughout the whole
package. A theme that would not only be memorable but also friendly, positive and suitable to be used in different musical styles and genres, sier Everling til
NRK P1+ er en kanal for voksne lyttere, som ikke er oppvokst med elektronisk musikk, og det blir gjenspeilet også i
jinglene: - Because of the nature of the station, we chose to mostly use acoustic instruments, and use as many “real”
musicians as possible. This way, we could ensure that the warmth, familiarity and the feeling of togetherness that P1+
wants to express, are reflected in their acoustic identity, fortsetter han.
SOB har sin base i Nederland, men har tidligere også laget lydproduksjoner for Radio Norges Morgenklubben: -
When they launched the morning show, they wanted something spectacular and uplifting, something that would create
an immediate “fun” feeling and that would diversify them from the competition. So we made them a package with a
full-blown big band, to kick-off every hour in the morning, forteller Everling.
SOB lager produksjoner for radiostasjoner fra hele verden og det ferskeste prosjektet er en jinglepakke for
en australsk radiostasjon. De har spesiellt mange kunder i Danmark, men også i Tyskland, Thailand, Frankrike, Jordan og Spania. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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