De to analyse-selskapene Radioanalyzer fra Danmark og internasjonale BPR varsler et tettere samarbeid i
tiden som kommer. Begge selskapene jobber med analyse av radiomarkedet, men med forskjellig vinkel og metoder. Pressemelding:
If you think market representative qualitative research and real time usage data analysis are two different
things; think again. Combining the strengths and benefits of both types of research, RadioAnalyzer
(Denmark) and BPR (Australasia/Europe) are entering into a working relationship for the good of current
and future clients with a desire for cutting edge, reliable research that moves market share.
- For radio stations to grow and prosper in this increasingly competitive media environment it is critical
for radio programmers to have maximum knowledge of their listeners needs, preferences and listening
behaviour. While BPR’s strategic perceptual studies and market analysis pinpoints the best market position
and defines content and brand strategy, we believe the real-time usage data analysis offered by RadioAnalyzer
adds an exciting layer of knowledge that assists in the effective day to day implementation of
programming tactics, says Principal & Director Wayne Clouten, BPR.
BPR has been providing radio stations and broadcasting networks Worldwide for decades with tailor
-made perceptual studies and high quality consultancy. BPR assists radio stations to make the most of
their business intelligence and identify the optimal strategy and tactics for their market.
RadioAnalyzer has delivered instant analytics and market surveillance through an innovative software
toolbox for both programming and music since 2013. The software serves as a tactical navigational instrument
to reveal how listeners react to everything a radio station broadcasts.
- We are delighted to be able to offer our clients this high-end mix of research. Joining our state-ofthe-art
tactical analysis of listener reactions and market format movements with the strong strategic insight
from BPR enables radio stations to not only find the right direction in the market, but also to adjust
their position very rapidly and with great agility, says CEO Mikkel B. Ottesen, RadioAnalyzer.
BPR and RadioAnalyzer will continue to operate individually and provide their specialized products.
As a result of the cooperation consultants from BPR will now be able to implement the RadioAnalyzer
analysis in their research for clients. Equally, RadioAnalyzer clients will be able to seamlessly use the expertise
and analytics options offered by BPR.
The strategic cooperation between the companies will be focused initially on the United Kingdom
and Australasia. However all clients of the two companies can take advantage of the new integrated approach
to research driven programming. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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