Next Radio er en en litt annerledes radiokonferanse som arrangeres i London 19. september, altså
like etter norske Radiodager. Det er velkjente James Cridland og Matt Deagan som står bak det de kaller en ide-konferanse.
Hensikten med konferansen er å la kjente og ukjente radiofolk fra hele verden komme med sine idèer til å lage bedre radio.
Her er det korte foredrag på 10-20 minutter med et stort antall speakers.
Arrangørene har denne gangen fått tak i Craig Bruce fra Australia, som blant annet har hjulpet til
med det suksessfulle morgenshowet Kyle and Jackie O. Han presenteres slik av arrangørene:
- Craig Bruce is one of the
most experienced and respected radio talent coaches in Australia and the former Head of Content for Australia’s
Southern Cross Austereo. He’s helped build the careers of Kyle and Jackie O, Hamish and Andy and created fantastic radio promotional concepts like “the Fugitive”.
Bruce selv uttaler dette i en pressemelding: - Craig says: ”I’m delighted to be speaking at Next Radio.
I'll be sharing learnings from some of the biggest names in Australian radio, which is one of the world's most
competitive radio environments. I'm also looking forward to learning more about the UK; and introducing a
whole new audience to my Game Changers podcast.”
Listen over speakers begynner allerede å bli lang: - Julia Hayball, University of Gloucestershire; Sam Potts,
the Head of Radio Promotions at Columbia Records; Francis Currie, international radio consultant; Chloe Straw,
Executive Producer at Somethin’ Else for the BBC’s pop networks og Bob FM’s Programme Director/Breakfast host
Graham Mack.
Arrangør James Cridland sier i en pressemelding “Next Radio always has a diverse range of speakers and
this year’s is no exception. Every session at Next Radio is 9 or 18 minutes which means joining these 6
will be an amazing range of guests we’re announcing over the coming weeks.
The event, back for its sixth year, is designed for people who make radio, or products for radio, to inspire them with new creative ideas and developments in radio. All through June tickets are available at the reduced rate of £99+VAT, thanks to support from sponsors Broadcast Bionics, and Audioboom. Tickets are available at
Arrangør Matt Deegan sier: “Next Radio is the biggest, most cost-effective radio conference in the country
and it’s been designed entirely for the practitioners - the people who make radio or work on radio projects every day. We’ve got a great day lined up and can’t wait for September.”
Next Radio arrangeres 19. September på Royal Institution i London.
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