Den lokale stasjonen Clare FM i Irland vil nå låte omtrent som NRK P1 her i Norge. De har nemlig valgt en pakke fra ReelWorld som
i praksis betyr at kanalen får de samme jinglene, men med sin egen stasjons-ID.
Det betyr at de også får gleden av å høre Kringkastingsorkesteret spille flere ganger i timen. Programdirektør Padriaic Flaherty skryter av jinglepakken, som
orginalt ble produsert for NRK P1:
- The NRK P1 jingle package is outstanding and the orchestral arrangement is sublime, sier Flaherty i en pressemelding. HER KAN DU HØRE HVORDAN DETTE LÅTER:
ReelWorld have just helped Ireland’s Clare FM launch a classy new on air sound featuring an entire orchestra.
The radio station, which broadcasts across County Clare in Western Ireland, opted for a re-sing of
ReelWorld’s jingles for NRK P1, Norway’s biggest radio station.
The package features the talent of the Norwegian state broadcaster's 53-piece radio orchestra.
Padraic Flaherty is Programme Director at Clare FM – ‘My experience with ReelWorld has been outstanding, from my first initial conversation where I outlined what we required, they listened to our station and understood what we needed to take Clare FM to the next level. This package is like no other in the market’
Paul Fernley is ReelWorld’s European Sales Manager – ‘We pride ourselves on having a deep understanding of the countries we work in, allowing us to match jingle packages to a radio station’s output and values. Our NRK P1 jingles and Clare FM are a perfect match, and they new sound awesome on-air!’
Padraic added – ‘The NRK P1 jingle package is outstanding and the orchestral arrangement is sublime. A successful jingle package complements every song a station plays and our new themes do just that!’
In addition to NRK, ReelWorld jingles can be heard on some of Europe’s biggest state broadcasters including VRT in Belgium, Sveriges Radio in Sweden and Bayern 3 in Germany. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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