Den svenske lokalradioen Guldkanalen satser friskt om dagen. Ikke bare er de en av søkerne på de nasjonale FM-konsesjonene i Sverige. De har også nylig fått nye jingler fra ReelWorld. Pressemelding:
Swedish radio station Guldkanalen has a fresh new sound thanks to a new jingle package from ReelWorld.
The classic hits station broadcasts to the south of the country and chose to bring their sound right up to date with a customised version of ReelWorld’s package for German broadcaster Bayern 3.
Programme Director Jonas Borg commented: “Guldkanalen now sounds even better! The new jingle package from ReelWorld takes us to a whole new level.”
Paul Fernley is ReelWorld’s European Sales Manager: “This new package has re-energised the station’s branding. The combination of a powerful sonic logo and warm vocals sounds awesome on-air.”
Jonas adds: “We are glad that we chose ReelWorld because now we have a professional jingle package that fits our profile perfectly and the outcome was well beyond our expectations.”
ReelWorld jingles can be heard on some of Europe’s biggest radio stations including Heart UK, RTL Berlin and RFM France. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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