Det var allerede kjent at det ikke blir noe Radiodays Europe 2020 i Lisboa i slutten av måneden.
For 14 dager siden kom meldingen om at styret i Radiodays Europe har bestemt at
arrangementet utsettes til senere i år på grunn av usikkerheten rundt Corona-viruset.
Nå er det klart at årets Radiodays Europe vil skje i desember og fortsatt i Lisboa. Datoene som er satt er 13 til 15 desember på Centro de Congresses de Lisboa.
I dag offentliggjorde Radiodays Europe også at frittstående konferansen Podcast Day blir utsatt. Den skulle blitt arrangert i juni, men hele arrangementet flyttes til mandag 26. oktober. Sted er fortsatt The Mermaid i London
Pressemelding 24.03
It has been announced today, by the team organising PODCAST DAY by Radiodays Europe, that the event in London 2020 has been postponed due to the on-going Coronavirus crisis.
The ‘new date’ for this year will be Monday 26 October 2020. The location for the conference remains The Mermaid in central London, UK.
We would like to thank our speakers and participants for their continuing support!
Her er pressemeldingen som ble sendt ut i forrige uke:
Radiodays Europe has announced today new dates for the Lisbon 2020 conference which will now be held on 13 - 15 December 2020. The event is postponed until late in the year because of Coronavirus COVID-19.
All tickets purchased for Radiodays Europe 2020 in March are valid for the new dates in December. The location for the conference remains the same, the Centro de Congresses de Lisbon (CCL) in Portugal.
We thank you all for your continued support and the support of our hosts and partners. ( pressemelding slutt )
Pressemelding sendt ut 9. mars
- Radiodays Europe Steering Board have decided that due to the increasing health risks in many countries associated with Coronavirus COVID-19, Radiodays Europe is postponed until later in 2020.
This decision comes after extensive consultation to ensure the health and safety of our participants, speakers, commercial partners and staff. As the global Coronavirus crisis escalates and concerns regarding travel, large gatherings etc increase, it makes it impossible for Radiodays Europe to hold an event at this time.
We are aware of the impact of this decision and acknowledge and express our thanks for all the support of our participants and partners throughout the years that have made Radiodays Europe the meeting place for the world of radio and audio and the largest event of its kind in Europe.
Further details on the new dates for Radiodays Europe will be released at a later date on the Radiodays Europe website ( pressemelding slutt ) er offisiell mediepartner for Radiodays Europe og vi vil være tilstede i Lisboa i desember. I forkant av dette vil du også få vite mer om konferansen. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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