Styret i Radiodays Europe har i dag bestemt seg for å utsette den store konferansen nok en gang. Bakgrunnen er den pågående korona-pandemien, som setter stopper for alle større konferanser.
Radiodays Europe skulle vært arrangert i Lisboa i slutten av mars 2020, men ble først flyttet til desember 2020. Så ble konferansen flyttet til begynnelsen av mai 2021. Heller ikke dette ser ut til å være nok, går det fram av en pressemelding:
- Radiodays Europe has announced today that the 2021 event originally planned for 2-4 May has now been moved to Saturday 9 - Monday 11 October 2021 to allow for both an in-person event for those who wish to attend plus a hybrid online offering.
Vaccination programmes worldwide while changing the direction of the pandemic are right now not moving in such a way that an event will be possible in May. However, by October we feel that movement between countries will be more open; also the standard for safe conferences will have progressed. For this reason we are moving the in-person conference to autumn for 2021.
We will also ensure that the conference is available as a hybrid online and on-demand offering for those who do not wish to attend in-person, more details of which will be released later in the Spring 2021. We know that this is another change of plans but due to the continuing threat of Covid-19 we wish to ensure the safety of delegates, speakers and all involved in the Radiodays Europe event”, said Peter Niegel, General Manager, Radiodays Europe.
The venue and city for the event remain CCL, Lisbon, Portugal and we thank our hosts for their support and we all look forward to welcoming you to Portugal in 2021, skriver Radiodays Europe.
- Please note the Association Radiodays Europe has not cancelled the Radiodays Europe event we have moved to a new date, your 2020 ticket is valid for Saturday 9 - Monday 11 October 2021, it will be possible to join In-person, Online and On-Demand depending on your choice. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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