Nordiske navn til Radiodays Europe 2023

09.12.22 - Kyrre Dahl

Ole Jørgen Torvmark er blant foredragsholderne under årets store radiokonferanse i Praha i mars. Han får selskap av flere andre fra Norden.

Ole Jorgen Torvmark. Foto. Radiodays Europe

Neste års store radiokonferanse vil foregå fra 26. til 28. mars. Det er fortsatt noen måneder igjen, men nå begynner programmet å fylles med foredragsholdere. Et nytt navn i så tilfelle er norske Ole Jørgen Torvmark. Kjent for de fleste i radiobransjen men slik presenteres han av Radiodays Europe:

"Until 2018, Torvmark was CEO of Digital Radio Norway, the company which led Norway to become the first country in the world to conduct a Digital Switch-Over (DSO). He had a key role in the collaboration between commercial and public broadcasters and between the broadcasters, politicians and trade. After a complete digitisation of national radio broadcasting in Norway, Digital Radio Norway was shut down according to plan. Today Torvmark is Head of Product, Non-Automotive at Radioplayer Worldwide and Country Manager for Radioplayer in Scandinavia. "

Torvmark får nordisk selskap av Aslak Gottlieb, som er en dansk jounalist, prosjektleder og samfunnsdebattant. Dette skriver Radiodays Europe om Gottlieb;

"Since 2009 Aslak has been working with projects relating youth, journalism, the media and education. He strives at getting young people to take part in the democracy they will inherit from us, the democracy they must help maintain to ensure its survival. As a journalistic fellow at Southern University of Denmark in 2015, he revised the traditional news criteria used by Danish news media into a list of what he defined as Engagement Criteria, serving as a tool to reach younger audiences with news. Based on this work he is still affiliated at the university as part of a European consortia of media organizations developing a newsgame to engage young adults in current affairs and journalism."

Fra Finland kommer Satu Keto, som er leder for statskringkaster YLEs utviklingsavdeling. Slik blir Keto beskrevet hos Radiodays Europe:

"Satu Keto works at Yleisradio Technology & Development as an Innovation Lead. Her main job is to develop, anticipate, experiment and pilot. For example text-to-speech technologies and content for smart speakers. OR trying to develop the first synthetic character for Yle, to think about ways of non-linear narration for media content, especially for audio content, and consider future user interfaces and personalisation. We recognize possible futures and inspire Yleisradio to move towards them through experimentation. Uncertainties and risks are OK."

En rekke andre foredragsholdere er satt opp på listen til neste års store europeiske radiokonferanse. Et av disse navnene er musikksjef i BBC Radio 1, Chris Price. Dette skriver arrangøren om Price:

"As Head of Music for BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra, Chris Price is the creative and editorial lead for the world’s most influential radio playlists, as well as for the BBC ‘Sound Of …’ poll and iconic live music brands such as Live Lounge, Radio 1’s Big Weekend and 1Xtra Live. A music media strategist of more than twenty years’ experience, Chris has a global reputation as a champion for new music. As Music Producer for BBC Radio 1 from 2000 to 2006, he helped break UK acts such as Coldplay, Snow Patrol and The Streets, as well as international artists including The Killers, Rihanna and Scissor Sisters.

Et annet navn som er spikret til Radiodays Europe 2023 er Meenal Thakur, som beskrives som "solutions journalist trainer" spesielt rettet mot Sentral og Øst-Europa. Og ikke overraskende kommer det mange fra Tsjekkia og landene rundt.

Den store radiokonferansen neste år vil bli lokalisert til Prague Congress Centre, som ligger rett ved metro-stasjonen Vysehrad på Linje C. Vil du vite mer om konferansen gå til:

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