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21.10.23 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl

Remi Horgar fra NRK får selskap av flere dansker og svensker på podiet under neste års store internasjonale radiokonferanse.

Remi Horgar. Foto: Radiodays Europe

Radiodays Europe 2024 arrangeres i München, Tyskland fra 17. til 19. mars og stadig mer av programmet blir offentliggjort. De nordiske landene er spesielt godt representert på listen over foredragsholdere.

Fra Norge kommer Remi Horgar fra NRK. Om ham skriver RDE: "Remi Horgar is the Leader of the Norwegian broadcasting’s podcast department in the mid-region of Norway, as well as being a journalist for the broadcaster. Remi will be will be bringing his expertise on podcasting as well as journalism to Radiodays Europe this year."

Fra Danmark kommer Lars Bastholm, som RDE beskrives som en ekspert på kunstig intelligens: "Lars is the co-founder of The Scandinavian Creative AI Summit (www.scaisu.com) and the founder of Bastholm Creative Consulting. He is an experienced creative leader whose career spans brands, traditional agencies and digital agencies."

Også fra Danmark kommer produsent og regissør Kåre Poulson: "Producer, director & filmmaker. Kåre has been working in Danish Broadcasting Corporation since 1998. He manages interactive cross media projects and works as a festival director and moderator of a number of international media events.", skriver RDE.

Gründer Henriette Høj Gharib er også fra Danmark og er inivtert til RDE 2024: "Henriette is an entrepreneur and has been the CEO of two start-ups, where one was acquired by Podimo in 2022. Henriette has worked with media, content and subscription sales in magazines, video streaming, publishing and now podcasts in her company, Podster."

Fra Sverige kommer professor Kristoffer Holt: "Kristoffer is professor and research leader at the department of Media and Journalism (MJ) at Linnaeus university, Kalmar, Sweden. His research explores the role of media as a platform for public discourse and democracy. Holt has published extensively and is internationally recognised for his contributions on alternative news media, media criticism, citizen- and participatory media."

Radionytt.no er offisiell mediepartner for Radiodays Europe 2024 og følger konferansen tett. Det er åpent for billettkjøp

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