Nickelback kommer til Radiodays Europe

08.02.24 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl

Det er bare en drøy måned igjen til årets store europeiske radiokonferanse. Der kan du blant annet møte den kjente rockegruppa Nickelback.

Nickelback. Foto: Radiodays Europe

Nickelback var et at de mest suksessfulle rockebandene på 90-tallet. På Radiodays Europe i München kan deltagerne møte Mike Kroeger og Ryan Peake, som blant annet vil snakke om radioens rolle i deres suksess.

Dette er hva Radiodays Europe skriver om sesjonen:

Radiodays Europe is giving you an Access All Areas interview with one of the most successful bands of the noughties – Nickelback!

The band’s Mike Kroeger and Ryan Peake will be telling all to Ben Jones in an in-depth interview on-stage in Munich: their journey to super-stardom, how it feels to have sold over 50 million albums, and the story behind Billboard’s Top Rock Song of the Decade, ‘How You Remind Me’. Hear about their journey to success and the part radio played in their catapult to stardom, with their songs generating millions spins on the airwaves.

Plus, you can be one of the first to see their film ‘Hate to Love: Nickelback.’ on Sunday night, documenting their untold story from the conception of Nickelback to their incredible rise to the top (places are very limited, with details of the screening to announced very soon).

It’s a Radiodays Europe Exclusive: Watch the film, join the session and find out the inside scoop from one of the most successful rock bands of the century.

Are Sende Olsen kommer også til Radiodays Europe

Fra før er det kjent at vår egen radiokjendis Are Sende Osen er invitert til årets store internasjonale radiokonferanse for å snakke om humor på radio. Dette er hva Radiodays Europe skriver om Are:

"Are Sende Osen is a Norwegian Journalist, Podcaster and Author. With nearly three decades in Norwegian broadcasting, Are Sende Osen is a seasoned professional. His roles include work in television, the youth channel NRK P3, the mainstream channel NRK P1, and most recently, podcasts.

Are’s expertise spans education, humor, and entertainment. He’s crafted programs exploring religions in Norway, extraordinary lifestyles, hobbies, and the Norwegian military, establishing himself as a trusted voice. A veteran of humor on the airwaves, Are has shared his wit on radio humor programs for years, leaving audiences entertained and making a lasting mark on the comedy scene.

More recently, Are found success with the historical podcast “Kongerekka,” delving into the reigns of all the kings of Norway. From Harald Fairhair to the present monarch, King Harald V, Are brings history to life with his storytelling.

Join Are Sende Osen on a journey through the diverse world of media, where education meets humor, and entertainment takes various forms." Dette skriver altså Radiodays Europe om sesjonen. Her hjemme ble Are Sende Osen kjendis gjennom humorprogrammet "Are og Odin" på NRK P3. Han har jobbet i NRK siden han fikk en sommerjobb der i 1995. er offisiell mediepartner for Radiodays Europe 2024 og følger konferansen tett.

Mer informasjon på hjemmesiden: RADIODAYS EUROPE

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