Med all respekt til Radiodays Europe

22.02.24 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl

NRK er sterkt representert under årets internasjonale radiokonferanse i München. Gjengen bak podkasten "Med all respekt" deltar i flere sesjoner.

Sandeep Singh. Foto: Radiodays Europe

- Super successful Norwegian podcast 'Med Alle Respekt' is consistently top of the charts in Norway. Slik starter omtalen av en sesjon på Radiodays Europe tirsdag 19. mars.

Deltagere på denne store internasjonale radiokonferansen vil få høre fra Sandeep Singh, Abu Baker Hussain, Galvan Mehidi, Tara Lina Shahin og Eirik Sivertsen fra NRK. Dette er RDE skriver om sesjonen:

- Super successful Norwegian podcast 'Med Alle Respekt' is consistently top of the charts in Norway.

Why is this and what do the team behind the podcast think sets them apart from the others? Learn why they chose a specific audience to target and what they do to ensure that audience listens. Hear about who their audience is now as well as future strategy.

If you've listened to their podcast, you'll know this should be a hilarious session.

Med all respekt også på Radiodays Inclusive

Gjengen bak Med all respekt vil også delta på konferansedelen Radiodays Inclusive, som handler om det multikulturelle, på flere plan. Dette er hva Radiodays Europe forteller om den delen, som krever egen påmelding:

- Radiodays Inclusive is about making your practice more inclusive of everyone, be that in the audience you are targeting or when working with others. This year there will be 2 sessions as part of this summit, the first is a masterclass in speaking to different audiences - we will hear from experts with a range of audiences from young to multicultural to queer, you then get to choose whose masterclass group you would like to be part of.

In the second session you will be led through exercises to help you identify where your blind spots are when working with others. After attending Radiodays Inclusive you should leave with an idea of how you can take to make your content or workplace much more inclusive.

Are Sende Olsen til Radiodays Europe

Fra før er det kjent at vår egen radiokjendis Are Sende Osen er invitert til årets store internasjonale radiokonferanse for å snakke om humor på radio. Dette er hva Radiodays Europe skriver om Are:

"Are Sende Osen is a Norwegian Journalist, Podcaster and Author. With nearly three decades in Norwegian broadcasting, Are Sende Osen is a seasoned professional. His roles include work in television, the youth channel NRK P3, the mainstream channel NRK P1, and most recently, podcasts.

Are’s expertise spans education, humor, and entertainment. He’s crafted programs exploring religions in Norway, extraordinary lifestyles, hobbies, and the Norwegian military, establishing himself as a trusted voice. A veteran of humor on the airwaves, Are has shared his wit on radio humor programs for years, leaving audiences entertained and making a lasting mark on the comedy scene.

More recently, Are found success with the historical podcast “Kongerekka,” delving into the reigns of all the kings of Norway. From Harald Fairhair to the present monarch, King Harald V, Are brings history to life with his storytelling.

Join Are Sende Osen on a journey through the diverse world of media, where education meets humor, and entertainment takes various forms." Dette skriver altså Radiodays Europe om sesjonen. Her hjemme ble Are Sende Osen kjendis gjennom humorprogrammet "Are og Odin" på NRK P3. Han har jobbet i NRK siden han fikk en sommerjobb der i 1995. er offisiell mediepartner for Radiodays Europe 2024 og følger konferansen tett.

Mer informasjon på hjemmesiden: RADIODAYS EUROPE

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