Pusser opp lydbildet til NRK P1+

Radionytt.no: 15.10.24 - Kyrre Dahl

Kanalen for godt voksne, NRK P1+, har fått noen flere jingler. Denne gangen med en følelse av "Norwegian Americana" opplyser produsenten. HØR JINGLER

Skjermbilde fra promovideo. Foto: SOB/NRK

Det er ikke snakk om et helt nytt lydbilde, men NRK P1+ har nå fått fem nye jingler som skal supplementere de andre. Det er snakk om fem instrumental jingler som passer inn i det øvrige lydbildet på kanalen.

Produsent Hans Everling i SOB Audio Imaging sier følgende om de nye jinglene: - A laid-back vibe with real instruments and a touch of "Norwegian Americana," combined with 80s influences—perfect for the nostalgic P1+ audience.

På nettsiden finner vi en ytterligere utdypning av produktet: - These fresh additions evoke a relaxed vibe, featuring real instruments and a genuine singer-songwriter essence. With influences of "Norwegian Americana" and contemporary classics, the cuts also offer a subtle nod to the 80s, perfectly complementing the station’s nostalgic sound.

Det er nå 10 år siden Everling og SOB lagde de første jinglene for NRK P1+. Da fortalte han at det var en liten utfordring å lage jingler for det som den gangen var en banebrytende radiokanal, med fokus på godt voksne.

- In an early stage, it was decided that the jingles wouldn’t contain sung vocals. We received an extensive brief and listened to a lot of music that would have an important role in the station’s playlist. And then… well… then the hard work starts. In spite of some romantic ideas some people have about it, that’s what it is: hard work, methodically and precise. Teaming up with the best people in their field (composers, arrangers, musicians) because we will be the most-played artists on the station, so it’d better sound good! Det sa Everling i 2014.

Hør de nye jinglene: SOB.nl

SOB har sin base i Nederland, men har tidligere også laget lydproduksjoner for Radio Norges Morgenklubben: - When they launched the morning show, they wanted something spectacular and uplifting, something that would create an immediate “fun” feeling and that would diversify them from the competition. So we made them a package with a full-blown big band, to kick-off every hour in the morning, forteller Everling.

Blant de nyeste produksjonene finner vi sommerjingler for NPO Radio 5 ( allmennkringkaster i Nederland ): - Each summer, we bring a burst of sunshine to NPO Radio 5, a Dutch public nostalgia radio station. This year, we produced three fresh summer jingles that capture the sunny atmosphere perfectly, giving listeners and DJs just the right vibe!

Hør jinglene for NPO Radio 5: SOB.nl

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