Local radio is booming, while national radio is loosing revenue. These are some of the highlights from a report on the Financial status of the Norwegian media, published by The Norwegian Media Authority.
The report shows that while commercial tv-stations increased their revenue in 2019, the national radio broadcasters lost 12 percent, 66 milllioner Nkr, of their income compared to 2018.
- Advertising is more or less the only source of income for national commercial radiostations, that makes them vulnerable for changes in the market, says Mari Velsand, director of the Norwegian Media Authority.
On the other hand, local radio is doing quite well. Local broadcasters increased their total revenue by 23 % in 2019 compared to 2018. The increase is in fact due to an increase in ads sales, although many smaller stations are more reliant on bingo as an source if income. Bingo
In the report, The Media Authourity points out that national commercial radiostations shut down their FM transmitters in 2017 and the fall in income is in parallel to the digital switchover. Local radio is still broadcasting on FM, with some restrictions.
The report is mainly about 2019, but it also has a few sentences about the media economy during the corona pandemic. It states that Norwegian newspapers, radio and TV has lost around 7 percent of their income so far this year.
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