Sveriges Radio klarte å ta to av de fem gjeveste radioprisene under Prix Europa i Berlin 2014.
SR fikk prisen for Årets Radiodokumentar og for Årets undersøkende journalistikk i radio. Også NRK fikk god omtale. Her er et utdrag fra vinnerlisten:
BEST EUROPEAN RADIO DOCUMENTARY: Woman Found Dead by Lake Shore / Sweden
Submitting Organisation: Sveriges Radio - SR
Autor: Hugo Lavett
Director: Hugo Lavett
Sound: Jan Waldemark
From an outstanding selection of documentaries, the jury was gripped by a personal tragedy that unfolds like a story written by Franz Kafka. Propelled by a compelling narration that’s alive with delicately evoked images within an elegant and clear sound design, this anatomy of a suspected murder shares stylistic characteristics with a ‘Nordic noir’ thriller, including access to astounding police interrogation scenes. However, at no point does it lose its humanity or concern for the indelible stigma of suspicion.
Bilde: Hugo Lavett tar imot prisen for årets radiodokumentar på Prix Europa
Special Commendations:
Still Glowing Strong / Norway
Submitting organisation: Norsk rikskringkasting - NRK
Author: Sindre Leganger
Director: Sindre Leganger
Sound: Erki Halvorsen
Commissioning editor: Berit Hedemann
Producer: Sindre Leganger
Submitting organisation: Sveriges Radio - SR
Author: Bo Goran Bodin, Daniel Ohman
Director: Bo Goran Bodin, Daniel Ohman
Sound: Bo Goran Bodin, Daniel Ohman
Commissioning editor: Bo Goran Bodin, Daniel Ohman
Producer: Bo Goran Bodin, Daniel Ohman
Classic elements of current affairs investigations include the use of sources and whistleblowers; painstaking gathering of evidence and information; and confrontation with those who have been shown to have a case to answer.
This year’s winner deployed all of them in a finely-constructed journalistic thriller which examined allegations of bribery in a deal involving the telecommunications giant Ericsson and officials in Greece over the supply of a military radar system. samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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