22.03.2022 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl
Listening behavior changes rapidly. During the Olympics, the niche channel NRK Sport became the third most popular radio channel in Norway. NRK Nyheter is now experiencing an upswing in listening.
In week 9, NRK Nyheter had a daily reach of 6.7% nationally, according to the PPM survey from Nielsen Research. This meant that NRK Nyheter was number three in Norway, behind NRK P1 and P4 Radio Hele Norge. In week 10, the numbers fell, but still 5.2% listened to the news channel every day.
- The war in Ukraine is the main reason for this increase, says Eva Midttun Leira, channel manager at NRK Nyheter. - During crises and important events, the public has a great need for information, says Midttun Leira to radionytt.no.
NRK Nyheter broadcasts live news all day and has covered the war in Ukraine on a large scale since the beginning. NRK is the public broadcaster in Norway and NRK Nyheter is also responsible for TV coverage during the day during a crisis.
- When something big happens, both planned or sudden, we move on to joint transfer. Then we can have all resources, reporters and sources concentrated on one joint broadcast, says Midttun Leira. Other NRK channels also broadcast news and programs covering the war.