03.06.2021 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl
Her er noen godbiter for deg som lurer på hvordan andre radiostasjoner låter. SOB audio Imaging har nylig lansert tre nye jinglepakker.
Den ene er for lokalradioen Radio Sydhavsøerne i Danmark. Hans Everling i SOB sier følgende om de nye jinglene:
- The new Hot AC jingle package we created for Denmark's Radio SydhavsØerne works perfectly with the contemporary feelgood songs they play and complements the station's previous SOB jingles seamlessly.
The package has 9 sung cuts, a News opener + bed (and a bunch of matching sounders and bumpers), a Weather bed and a Sports bed. The package is composed in a way that it’s very easy to adapt to your station name.
Hør jinglene for Radio Sydhavsøerne her
SOB har også laget nye jingler for den nasjonale kringkasterens femte radiokanal, som nå kun sender digitalt. Om NPO Radio 5 sier Everling:
- We’re extremely proud to have created the new jingle package for Holland’s NPO Radio 5. The package is part of a long-term partnership between Radio 5 and SOB that includes further updates of the package in the next years.
With their broad, nostalgic music format and top-notch presenters, public station Radio 5 has been growing its audience year after year, with an unrivaled Time Spent Listening. The music spans no less than 7 decades, with a focus on the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
Keywords for the new jingles were: familiar, friendly, musical, real instruments, and a happy, non-intrusive sound. The result: a versatile jingle package that is loved by both the presenters and the listeners!
Hør jinglene for NPO Radio 5 her
En tredje radiostasjon som har fått nye jingler fra SOB Imaging er Arrow Classic Rock. Om disse sier Hans Everling:
- Without a doubt, Arrow Classic Rock is one of Holland's heritage radio stations. It has been a constant factor in the Dutch radio landscape for years with a loyal group of listeners and a recognizable guitar-driven rock sound.
2021 marks Arrow's 25th anniversary: a perfect opportunity to re-invent the station with an updated, tighter playlist, new jingles, and a new station voice: Martin Stoker.
Like many other Classic Rock stations, Arrow is not playing any sung jingles, but the package has a strong, recognizable main theme/sound logo, that burns the station brand name into the listeners' mind! Together with station voice Martin, Arrow is ready for the next 25 years!
Hør jinglene for Arrow Classic Rock her