06.12.2021 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl
Yagmur Özberkan og Susani Mahadura - Foto: Radiodays Europe
Yagmur Özberkan og Susani Mahadura er to kjente navn i den finske radiobransjen. De har en svært populær podkast, som har vunnet priser og som du kan få høre mer om på Radiodays Europe 2022 i Malmø 15 til 17. mai. Dette er hva arrangøren skriver:
Journalists and the minds behind an award-winning podcast show, Özberkan and Mahadura are challenging the status-quo and encouraging important dialogue in Finnish society.
Susani Mahadura and Yagmur Özberkan have become house-hold names in Finland off the back of their award-winning podcast, fittingly named Mahadura & Özberkan, which has run weekly on national radio YLE since 2016. The show explores social and political issues in Finnish society. Mahadura and Özberkan discuss these issues from the perspective of two ethnic women in Finland, and with good humour and laughter, delve into the depths of topics which are usually taboo or simply not spoken about.
For example, the podcast discusses structural racism and what it is like to live a "minority's minority." The women were awarded the Red Cross prize for courageous and uncompromising journalism in 2018, as a result of the success of their podcast.
Yagmur Özberkan is a journalist and a presenter from Finland, and her ethnic roots are from Turkey. She graduated from Lapland University of Applied Sciences with Bachelor of Culture and Arts. Özberkan started her career focusing on news in the YLE Turku regional office.
Susani Mahadura is a journalist and has also appeared as a narrator on the 24H Europe - project, a 24h documentary film about young people in Europe, which was one of TV history’s longest documentaries. Mahadura is now directing her second documentary which will premiere on national TV YLE in Spring 2020.
Det andre navnet som er klart for Radiodays Europe er Babak Vakili fra Danmark. Han er kjent som podkast-produsent og skribent og er ikke redd for å ta opp vanskelige emner. Dette er hva Radiodays Europe skriver om denne sesjonen:
- Do not f@*! with me. Kill you. "The words come with a childlike voice from Anas. He's probably about seven years old. And he's proud of his lines he's written for the rap workshop." These words from a 7 year old boy profoundly affected teacher at the workshop, Babak Vakili aka Bobby Shams his words "reminded me how difficult it was for me to find out who I was, what I stood for and where I belonged when I grew up in a society where politicians, rappers and terrorists always were busy explaining it to me". Hear where this, and other stories have influenced the career of a Babak Vakili at Radiodays Europe 2022.