14.02.2024 - Kyrre Dahl
Steve Wright. Foto: BBC
Steve Wright er en kjent radiopersonlighet i Storbritannia, der han har vært på lufta på BBC Radio 2 i hele 23 år. Før det jobbet han i BBC Radio 1. Wright er godt kjent også i Norge og beskrives som en inspirasjonskilde av norske radiofolk.
Wright ble 69 år gammmel og det er ikke opplyst hva han døde av. Han var å høre på BBC så sent som kvelden før, i et preprodusert program med ballader i forbindelse med Valentines Day.
- All of us at the BBC are heartbroken to hear this terribly sad news. Steve was a truly wonderful broadcaster who has been a huge part of so many of our lives over many decades. He was the ultimate professional – passionate about the craft of radio and deeply in touch with his listeners. Det sier Tim Davie, BBC Director General.
- Steve understood the connection and companionship that radio engenders better than anyone, and we all loved him for it. He was a consummate professional whose attention to detail was always second to none, and he made his guests laugh, he was fair, and he wanted to showcase them and their work in the best possible light, bringing brilliant stories to our listeners. Det sier Helen Thomas, kanalsjef for BBC Radio 2.