18.09.2023 - RADIONYTT.NO - Kyrre Dahl
Photo: VG
This means that VG, one of the largest newspapers in Norway, will be the producer of the news on all of Bauer's radio channels, a total of 9 national radio brands reaching approx. 1.9 million weekly listeners.
VG will be editorially responsible for the radio news, and chief editor Gard Steiro is satisfied with the extended collaboration with Bauer, with whom they also collaborate on the VG Top 40 list.
- Bauer represents a strong distribution on a platform where VG is less present today, and will give a strengthened distribution power to VG and ensure that we reach even more listeners, says Steiro.
- We are happy to be able to expand our collaboration with VG, says Kristoffer Vangen, chief editor at Bauer Media, in a press release.
- VG is a strong brand with high credibility, and in my opinion the best in breaking news in Norway, which is important for radio. VG news on radio will ensure that our radio listeners get a solid product with the latest news every hour, Vangen continues.